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2024-08-19 10:07:29

120 Mejoberry紫色浆果

121 Narcoberry黑色浆果

122 Stimberry白色浆果

123 Narcotic麻醉剂

124 Stimulant兴奋剂

125 Refining Forge精炼炉

126 Smithy工作台

127 Compost Bin堆肥箱

128 Cooking Pot烹调锅

129 Simple Bed简易床

130 Small Crop Plot小型种植地

131 Pteranodon Saddle无齿翼龙鞍

132 Longneck Rifle长管步枪

133 Citronal Seed柠檬种子

134 Specimen Implant

135 Bronto Saddle雷龙鞍

136 Wooden Fence Foundation木篱笆

137 Compass指南针

138 Scope Attachment瞄准镜

139 Slingshot弹弓

140 Pike铁矛

141 Radio无线电

142 Obsidian黑曜石

143 Dinosaur Gateway木制中型恐龙大门门框

144 Simple Rifle Ammo简易步枪弹药

145 Summon Broodmother召唤巨型蜘蛛-育母蜘蛛

146 Cementing Paste水泥

147 Dinosaur Gate木制中型恐龙大门

148 Artifact of the Hunter召唤物品

149 Artifact of the Pack召唤物品

150 Artifact of the Massive召唤物品

151 Artifact of the Devious召唤物品

152 Artifact of the Clever召唤物品

153 Artifact of the Skylord召唤物品

154 Artifact of the Devourer召唤物品

155 Artifact of the Queen召唤物品

156 Artifact of the Strong召唤物品

157 Artifact of the Flamekeeper召唤物品

158 Argentavis Talon阿根廷巨鹰的爪

159 Megalodon Tooth巨齿鲨的牙齿

160 Tyrannosaur Arm暴龙的爪

161 Sauropod Vertebra雷龙的脊椎

162 Oil石油

163 Silica Pearls珍珠

164 Gasoline汽油

165 Electronics电路板

166 Polymer聚合物

167 Metal Catwalk金属小道

168 Metal Ceiling金属天花板

169 Metal Hatchframe金属天窗门框

170 Metal Door金属门

171 Metal Fence Foundation金属围栏

172 Metal Foundation金属地基

173 Behemoth Gate巨型恐龙大门




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